Effective Education

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No Surprise Here!

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal was titled, “Surprise: Education Wins In Newark.” But it should have been no surprise that the lawsuit brought against charter schools in New Jersey was unfounded. According to the WSJ, a group called The Education Law Center sued,

...claiming the Commissioner had not considered the fiscal harm the expansion would cause for Newark’s traditional public schools. It also said more charter enrollment would worsen segregation by race and disability and among English-language learners in the district.

But this is the same argument, same story teacher unions have fed the country over and over with little evidence. In fact, the vote was a 7 to 0 decision. The school district had not proven any potential fiscal harm, and an appellate court found no discriminatory practices within the charter school system in Newark. With a waiting list of 8,000 students, it is clear parents and students are not satisfied with available public school options. They want charter schools to be an option! There is certainly educated elitism happening when families who feel underserved at their schools are told that they would be “better off” staying put.

But what is one of the most fun elements of this article? The comment section! Check out how people were feeling about the potential loss of charter schools. We agree - families should not feel trapped in their education situation. Here’s another weekly dose of why more school options are better for communities everywhere.